Moving To Xianxiaworld

Hi guys,

First to inform you that we are now officially moving to, you all have been reading my posted chapters, some since the day I’ve started translating and some later on, but thanks to all of you visiting and reading my blog I’ve been able to hold on. I personally want to thank you for it. But I also want you to read my translated chapter at much bigger platform, and Xianxiaworld have kindly provided me that platform.

You should know it takes time to manage my own blog, but while I would like to manage it but I haven’t got the time for it. My exams are also coming and Xianxiaworld have provided me the opportunity to reduce this time so I can concentrate on my studies as well as the translation. Now, I just have to translate the chapters, and that means I’ll also able to translate more chapter later for you.

Now to the second point, since we’re moving, we’ll be taking a break for a while to sort out all the previous chapters. We’re going to re-edit the previous chapters, as you all know this is my first rodeo so I’ve many times made mistakes, so we’re going to correct those mistakes and then present it to all of you. Now, the main point is the missing chapters while we’re on break, we’ll definitely make it up-to you for it by translating more chapters after my holiday starts, which just after my exams (at the end of first week of may) .

Once again I’ll like to thank you for your support and hope that you’ll still continue to support me at Xianxiaworld.


Wuxia Translators Team

16 thoughts on “Moving To Xianxiaworld

  1. ohh….. So that’s it… It’s good for you and it really is a good news!
    But personally, Xianxiaworld’s site? background etc. just make my mood down…. so good luck!


      • I didn’t say it’s bad…. it’s just personal preference I guess…. And the difference between gravity and xianxiaworld’s background, hmm…. the texture and the feel about them is really different, I myself feel that they give really different atmosphere/mood? but the theme or what you say about it being old, chinese painting kind is true, I don’t have anything against it being like that… Like yes, the difference between the gravity and xianxiaworld, hmm…. I can’t really describe it… I don’t know how or maybe my vocabulary is still lacking :). Did you understand anything, like anything? with what I’ve said now? cause I myself think it’s really confusing, lol.


  2. Are you sure about this move? Although XW has many great novels and the quality of their translations have improve a lot since then, their site…kinda suck. It feels like a raw site. Whats more is we cant follow it through wordpress to inform us if there are new updates, could we even subscribe? I dont think so.

    If they change their site maybe they can even compete with WuxiaWorld and GravityTales base on the novel they hosted but as of now, I would rather prefer reading your novel here, atleast we get updates on wordpress or email when a new chapter comes out unlike in XW.


    • Firstly, I think their aim is to create that raw Chinese novel site feeling that’s why it feels that way.

      Secondly, I know for a fact that they are changing their site but I am not sure in the direction it is going in so it could have the same feeling but still look forward to it anyway as it might have a modern feel like WW or GT

      Thirdly, I know for a fact that they are currently working on RSS at the moment and it should be done in 2 weeks approximately

      And Lastly,even if you dislike the site, please still support this novel as in a week it will be completely re-edited and should be super smooth (…..hopefully….)


      • I love this novel that is why Im worried about moving it there. They have many awesome novels (more than GT in my opinion) but their site isn’t really that popular as it should be. I really hope they can improve their site, the novels they hosted deserve a wider audience.


  3. Their site is pretty organized from how I see it lol. Just needs more variety and it almost feels like a manga site in my opinion. The background feels fresh and not flashy which is okay for me.


  4. Isn’t Xianxiaworld banned on reddit now? The move Will make visibility of the novel plummet dramatically.. Or is Xianxiaworld not the one they’re talking about on r/noveltranslations ?


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